January 10, 2020

Alcoa provides bushfire support

0025-Jarrah_Forest-Cropped As the bushfire crisis continues across Australia, Alcoa has offered its support to those in need and urged everyone to stay safe over the remaining summer months.

The Alcoa Foundation has made a US$50,0000 (~AU$73,000) donation the Australian Red Cross Disaster Relief Fund with further monetary and in-kind support being offered to other recovery organisations from the company’s individual operations in Western Australia and Victoria.

Alcoa Australia President Michael Gollschewski said while the major fires that had sadly claimed lives and properties so far this summer were some distance from the company’s bauxite, alumina and aluminium operations, the pain was still felt locally along with the awareness of the risks we all face.

“We still have a long hot summer in front of us. Please heed warnings from fire authorities and keep yourselves and your loved ones safe,” Mr Gollschewski said. “We express our sincere admiration and gratitude to all involved in the firefighting and recovery efforts including the growing number of volunteers making a difference.

“We particularly thank our employees who are among that volunteer army and involved in fundraising efforts.”


Media contact: Suellen Jerrard, Corporate Affairs Manager, 0417949817, suellen.jerrard@alcoa.com